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منابع پیشنهادی محور 10" تاریخ"
تاريخ:پانزدهم فروردين 1400 ساعت 15:19
کد : 181014
مشاهده: 4831
A History of Western Education
A History of Western Education ideas
A Political sociology of Educational Reform
Aims of Education
American Education, the national experience
American psycology and schools
Changing Course American Curriculum Reform in the twentieth century
The Character of Curriculum studies
harter Schools
Conflicting Conceptions of Curriculum
Curriculum Studies in Brazil
Curriculum Studies in C
Curriculum Studies in
Curriculum Studies in
Curriculum Studies in South Africa
Curriculum Studies in
the United States
Democracy and Education
Educational Experience as lived
Globalisation and Education Reforms
How Scholars Trumped Teachers
Ideology and Curriculum
Internationalizing Curriculum studies
The Making of Curriculum
Letters to a serious Education
Life in a classroom
edagogy of Oppressed
Poweful Reforms With Shalow Roots
Principles of Curriculum, Instruction and Evaluation
Quality and Qulities
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
The Educational Imagination
The History of Western Education
The Process Of Education
The Struggle For The American Curriculum
The Wiley Handbook of Globale Educational Reform
The- Curriculum
Tnkering toward Utopia
What is Curriculum Theory
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